Part 4
Grief & Healing Under the Capitalist Mode of Production
The practice of proletarian and revolutionary grief. Avoiding self-harming styles of grieving.
The only way out is through. We must win.
All in general audience
Part 4
Grief & Healing Under the Capitalist Mode of Production
The practice of proletarian and revolutionary grief. Avoiding self-harming styles of grieving.
The only way out is through. We must win.
Part 3
Grief & Healing Under the Capitalist Mode of Production
A more materialist, pragmatist view of loss. Understanding our grief, so we might see a path forward.
Part 2
Grief & Healing Under the Capitalist Mode of Production
I think we're healthier when we avoid religion and spirituality in processing our grief. I suggest a materialist, pragmatist, humanist path—it's harder work, but more fulfilling and real.
Part 1
Grief & Healing Under the Capitalist Mode of Production
Capitalism imposes so much loss and death on us. How can we handle all this grief—so we can carry on and achieve a world where such deep suffering is not built into our social relations?
Trigger Warning: discussion of thoughts of suicide (and reasons not to commit it which were/are convincing to me)
Eugene V. Debs, David Graeber, Michael Brooks, Jean Paul Sartre
On some benefits of writing, for self-clarification and communal struggle
Let’s be materialists about this.
Deontology morally supports the development of meaningful freedoms, and Marxism aims to do just that in practice.
How do we effectively engage in “praxis”? What are organizing practices for our theory to effectively inform our action, or for reflections on our actions to inform our theory?
“Freedom is always and exclusively freedom for the one who thinks differently.” — Luxemburg, 1918, The Russian Revolution
Luxemburg is not advancing a liberal, idealist moral concern—instead, she is advancing a material, practical concern about the development of scientific socialism. She emphasizes that socialism is best developed by proletarian improvisation, experimentation, and iteration; but this requires freedoms which the Bolshevik party was not extending to the Russian people.