Part 3
Grief & Healing Under the Capitalist Mode of Production
A more materialist, pragmatist view of loss. Understanding our grief, so we might see a path forward.
All in thinking tools
Part 3
Grief & Healing Under the Capitalist Mode of Production
A more materialist, pragmatist view of loss. Understanding our grief, so we might see a path forward.
On some benefits of writing, for self-clarification and communal struggle
How do we effectively engage in “praxis”? What are organizing practices for our theory to effectively inform our action, or for reflections on our actions to inform our theory?
Discussing the limitations on legislative possibility from the institutional structure of government, working class alignment dependency on capitalist economic circuits, and the social reactionary beliefs that arise from alienation between people.
Might be good to be aware of this when beginning mass line style organizing.
When we try to organize and grow capacity “in preparation for” a crisis, what this practically means is that we are organizing in response to smaller-level crises in ways that build our organizational capacity for larger crises.
Thoughts on identifying conservative disinformation and reactionary moral panics.
A basic discussion of the role and conceptual space of philosophy, and how it relates to science.
Some basic benefits and discussion around horizontal and democratic organizing structures.
I discuss and explain how I understand 'motivated reasoning’, and ways to avoid it.
An understanding of patterns of behaviors within institutions, taking notes from natural selection and the works of G.A. Cohen and Anwar Shaikh.